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John Bills

John Bills

Andrew Broadbent1 Feb 2019 - 21:57

The Club regrets to announce the sudden death of John Bills on 30 January. The following is a tribute by his good friend Graeme Roberts.

"It is with a heavy heart that I write this tribute to my great pal, John Bills. John suffered a heart attack whilst playing tennis on Wednesday. I suppose it should be a comfort that he died doing something he enjoyed. I can certainly verify that he gave his all when he played tennis as I used to play against him. On the rare occasions I took a set off him he took it as a personal insult!
I first met John some 18 years ago when his son, Tom, and my son joined the Under 8’s team at the club. John and his family had just returned to the Wirral from a spell in Canada. I didn’t realise that John had already made a name from himself at the club prior to going to Canada having been 2nd team captain. Indeed in recognition of his contribution to the club he had been made a Vice President. Anyhow, John and I got to know each other whilst standing on the touchline and, when at the end of the season, the coach of the team indicated that he was unavailable next season, we agreed to take over. What followed was a fantastic and fun filled 10 years of rugby. Initially it was just the 2 of us but we were then joined by Andy Broadbent and we would like to think that we produced one of the best junior teams ever seen at the club. I was going to say the best but Dave Harvey and Steve Laddle may have argued against that, although on this occasion I think they may have allowed me a bit of leeway! John would be proud of the fact that a number of the players that he coached now play for our first team whereas others, including his own son Tom, have played at a high level for other clubs. John would though be equally proud of those lads who played at lower levels. During those years we had a great time and were always supported by a great bunch of parents all of whom will share my shock and upset.
It is now 6 years since “our team” stopped playing. We have though remained in constant touch through text, email and an annual trip (along with the other Dads from the team) to Twickenham along with a few beers and a curry when he was in the area. Recently John had settled in Northern Ireland with Joanne and was looking forward to a long and happy retirement. I feel that I have lost a great mate but that is nothing to the loss that his family has suffered. I am sure that all our thoughts and sympathy are with Tom, Joanne and the rest of the family."

John's funeral is at 2.00PM on 6 Feb at Church of Ireland, Cushendall, County Antrim.

Photos of John's time at the Club

Further reading